Anxiety / Fear of Heights or Flying

Are you anxious about an up-coming event?  For example: an exam, an interview, a driving-test, a Best Man’s speech, a presentation at work. maybe you’re going on holiday and dreading the flight?

When we’re anxious, we don’t perform as well as we’d like. Perhaps your mouth dries up, you forget what you’ve rehearsed and break out into a sweat even just thinking about it?

All that preparation you’ve put in and your nerves get the better of you!

I can help you feel more Confident, Calm, Relaxed, Focused, Assertive, ..  In fact, whatever feelings will be useful to you so that you can be READY to take on the challenge and give it your best!

Work Stress / Overwhelm

We’ve all been there – it’s been really busy at work, our Inbox/In-tray seems even fuller than when we started. Maybe you’re seen as a subject matter expert or team leader, and not only do you have your own work to do, but have others asking for your help too?

At the end of the working day, we’re now carrying a lot of stress with little or no outlet for it. And if we’re not careful, we take it home with us. So now our family and friends also feel the effect of our stressful day at work!

I can help you learn and apply techniques to release your stress, so that you can avoid distress!  Enjoy going home with the right mindset, and even coming back to work with a sense of anticipation and challenge, rather than fear.

Sleep Issues / Feeling Tired and not Motivated?

Are you also finding that your head is so busy stressing about things that it’s affecting your sleep? Either you cant get to sleep or you’re waking up at 3 am with thoughts preventing youfrom getting back to sleep.

And as a result, when your alarm goes off, you hit the snooze button and really don’t want to get up, affecting your daily motivation and productivity. Perhaps also feeling grouchy with family, friends and work-colleagues as a result?

I can help you learn and apply techniques to park those busy thoughts and relax, so that you can enjoy a full night’s sleep, feeling mentally and physically refreshed and ready for a new day’s challenges!

Love-Hate issues sapping your energy

Do you find that there are some things you Love (doing / having / feeling) and equally Hate the opposite? As a result, you suffer from lower energy when you think about these things?

Maybe it’s a person you really can’t stand, or something you just don’t want. You try to “focus on the positive” (what you want), but for some reason, it’s a struggle and the negative energy is holding you back.

I can help you release the strong polar love-hate relationship, so that you can move forward and find peace and renewed energy in neutrality.